Formación — diciembre 2023 a septiembre 2027

Estocolmo Internacional 2

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Stockholm, the city coined the capital of Scandinavia, is like no other capital in the world. Built on fourteen islands, it rises gracefully from water so clean that you can go swimming in the very heart of the city. Its waterfront is alive with boats, from ferries to shuttle you around the city to sailboats and yachts that cruise out into the vast archipelago that stretches into the Baltic Sea.

Sweden is home to a well-developed Feldenkrais community made up of numerous good practitioners. In bringing a training program to Sweden, Instituto Feldenkrais wishes to contribute to developing the Feldenkrais Method in the area.

The training program

Our training program draws participants from diverse countries, with instruction conducted in English by the renowned educational director, Paul Newton and his team. Paul is globally recognized for his accessible teaching style, characterized by clarity and openness, offering unwavering support to all learners.

The first training year consists of four segments, while the following three years comprise three segments each. Conveniently, the first segment and the February/March segments will be held online via Zoom and we also provide study groups and online meetings between main training segments. Missed training segments or days can easily be made up for in one of our other training programs.

Sweden is one of the few countries in the world that charges VAT (value added tax) on seminars and education. To make it possible for students from other countries to join this course we have a scholarship program which can get you a 20% reduction on the training fees. Please contact us for more information.

Special benefits of our training programs

In this training program, as in all our training programs, we offer the following benefits:

  • Repeat Online Segments a Second Time In-Person for Free: Revisit online segments in person at no extra cost; pay once, attend twice.
  • Missed training days or segments can be easily made up in our trainings in Madrid, Barcelona or Lisbon, in our sister trainings in Brazil, Chile, Italia or Poland, or in the next Stockholm program starting in 2027.
  • Comprehensive Audio Recording Included: Your training program includes a full audio recording to enrich your learning experience.
  • Video Recordings: You can get access to the video recordings of all hands-on training sessions.
  • Upon completing two of the four training years you can earn the «Teacher-In-Training Certificate”. This certificate entitles you to teach ATM classes to the public, promote your work, and share your expertise.
  • In our educational programs, you’ll start learning Functional Integration (FI) from the beginning, setting you on the path to becoming an expert in this hands-on practice.


Estructura de los módulos

The first training year is divided into 4 segments. Years 2, 3 and 4 of the program have 3 segments per year. The segments generally happen in March, May and September.


Próximo módulo

Módulo mayo 2025
Ver detalles del módulo



1600,00 kr / día

You can get up to 20% discount if you don't live in Sweden and want to participate in this training. Please contact us for more information.


Idioma de la formación


Fechas y formadores

Las fechas y horarios son susceptibles de modificación.
Si no puedes asistir a algún día/módulo, siempre podrás recuperarlo más adelante.

Primer año académico — 2023 a 2025

Módulo diciembre 2023 Online (8 Días) Paul Newton

Módulo febrero 2024 Online (10 Días) Marilupe Campero, Paul Newton

Módulo mayo 2024

08.05.–18.05.2024 (10 Días) Paul Newton

Módulo septiembre 2024

06.09.–13.09.2024 (7 Días) Paul Newton

Módulo enero 2025

22.01.–26.01.2025 (5 Días) Kathryn Hume-Cook

Segundo año académico — 2025

Módulo febrero 2025 Online (10 Días) Julie Peck

Módulo mayo 2025

06.05.–23.05.2025 (15 Días) Anne Candardjis

Módulo septiembre 2025

05.09.–22.09.2025 (15 Días) Kathryn Hume-Cook, Paul Newton

Tercer año académico — 2026

Módulo febrero 2026 Online (10 Días) Paul Newton

Módulo mayo 2026

06.05.–24.05.2026 (15 Días) Paul Newton

Módulo septiembre 2026

04.09.–21.09.2026 (15 Días) Mara Fusero

Cuarto año académico — 2027

Módulo febrero 2027 Online (10 Días) Paul Newton

Módulo mayo 2027

05.05.–23.05.2027 (15 Días) Thomas Farnbacher

Módulo septiembre 2027

02.09.–20.09.2027 (15 Días) Paul Newton

Información adicional sobre esta formación

Incorporarse a una formación que ya ha comenzado

Las formaciones están diseñadas de tal manera que durante el primer año de una formación todas las personas interesadas puedan incorporarse a ésta, aunque deberán recuperar los días perdidos.

Recuperar días de formación perdidos

Pueden recuperarse los días perdidos (por incorporarse una vez comenzada la formación) al comienzo de la siguiente formación. Sobre los detalles particulares puedes ponerte en contacto con el organizador o el Director Pedagógico, que te ayudarán a establecer un plan personal para la recuperación de tus días perdidos. También encontrarás más información en Preguntas frecuentes.